DR230 하이브리드 레코더, YOKOGAWA Paper출력 기록계 30채널 중고판매 > 온도기록계

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DR230 하이브리드 레코더, YOKOGAWA Paper출력 기록계 30채널 중고판매 > 온도기록계

DR230 하이브리드 레코더, YOKOGAWA Paper출력 기록계 30채널 중고판매 요약정보 및 구매

종이로 출력되는 레코더, 온도/전압기록계

제조사 요꼬가와
품명 레코더
모델명 DR230
판매가격 전화문의
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종이로 출력되는 레코더, 온도/전압기록계

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



The DR230 model uses input modules which can be easily expanded from 10 to 30 channels in 10 channel increments. Alarm output modules are also available. The input and output sections of the expandable model are modularized, enabling you to freely configure the optimum data acquisition environment.
This highly reliable, expandable and economical unit was developed as the next generation hybrid recorder. It also meets a wide range of needs frosmall scale data logging to multi-point data acquisition.

  • 10 to 30 isolated inputs
  • Measurement interval: As low as 2.0 sec.
  • Flexible inputs: DC Voltage, Thermocouples, RTDs, mAmps, AC Voltage/Current, Strain, Pulse
  • Multi-point recorder and data logger in one instrument
  • Optional FDD
  • Optional Features: Alarm outputs, DI/DO, computer interface (RS-232, GPIB, RS-422/485), math functions, report functions
  • Computer control software available

Simple Integrated Construction


You can connect 10, 20 or 30 channels directly to the main unit. The DR230 stand-alone model, which comes with I/O modules already installed, is a high cost performance general-purpose model.
The external appearance, recorder function, memory and communications functions of this model are identical to those of the expandable model. Because this model is of integrated construction, it can be carried about easily. 

Universal and Power Monitor Range


Universal input type permit measurement of a variety of inputs including DC voltage, thermocouple, RTD and contact signals.
Low cost type intended specifically for measuring voltage and thermocouple signals are available. You can also select power monitor (optional) for measuring AC voltage and current. 

A variety of options, including general-purpose communications and DI/DO functions are available.


General-purpose communications (GP-IB, RS-232C, RS-422A/485 and Ethernet), 10 form C alarm output relays, DI/DO (2 alarm relays, remote control of recorder, CPU fail and chart end contacts).
Specify your required options when ordering. 

DR230 Technology


The history of Yokogawa in strip chart recording instruments can be summarized by its providing the most reliable and readable recorders, with unmatched performance, over the last fifteen years. In 1981, Yokogawa developed the Model 3088 hybrid recorder which was the first dot printing type recorder in the world to contain a microprocessor. Since then, we have continued to make many technical breakthroughs, including the non-contact ultrasonic position detector, and high breakdown voltage (HBV) solid state relay, continuing to advance what you can achieve in multipoint recording closer to your ideal.Many of these innovations can be found in the DR230. 

Advanced carriage drive


The carriage drive section of the dot printer head employs a screw shaft which is unique for a strip chart recorder. The drive belt and wire cable have been removed, resulting in increased reliability. 

Integration of the design, manufacture and quality evaluation system


Routine installation work is automated, preventing careless mistakes during the production process from assembly through inspection. The result is a high grade, highly reliable product.
We also use precision test equipment on the production line to further increase reliability.

The DR230 provides many economic benefits for the user, such as reduced wiring for remote measurement, space saving due to compact design, and optimized signal conversion costs due to the availability of a large variety of input modules.
In addition, it provides superb environmental ruggedness, and onboard computation and memory functions, enabling it to be used for a wide range of applications. 

Complete channel isolation and high-voltage measurement


Channels at the input circuit are fully isolated with high-voltage solid-state relays.*1 The DR230 can withstand a common-mode voltage of up to 250 VAC*2 rms and a withstanding voltage of up to 1500 VAC*2 (for a duration of one minute). These features ensure that the model is even applicable to multi-point measurement in the field.
*1: RTD and pulse inputs share a common line within the same module.
*2: Depends on module types. 

Superb environmental ruggedness


Every effort has been made in the design of the DR230 to reduce power consumption, thereby minimizing temperature rise. As a result, the subunits can be operated over an ambient temperture range of -10 to 60 degreea C. It can also withstand severe conditions encoutered in the field. 

Space saving due to compact design


The depth of the main unit of the DR230 hybrid recorder has been greatly reduced: It is about 60%*¹ of previous models in the case of the 60-channel model, and about 80%*² in the case of the 30-channel general-purpose model. Also, the use of high breakdown voltage solid state relays and a planar transformer developed by YOKOGAWA has enabled the volume of the 60-point input remote measurement section to be reduced to 1/5*³ of that of previous models, resulting in a highly compact unit. The mass of the unit has also been reduced to about 1/2*¹. This makes for more efficient use of control room or laboratory space and reduces toal costs.


고속,고정도 측정
   scanning speed 최고 500ms/all ch에서 고속, 고정도 측정을 실현 뛰어난 경제성 최장 500m의 remote 계측으로 배선절약, 소형 경량화로 공간 절약 실현 
 · 뛰어난 설계 자유성
   10ch(Stand alone model), 300ch(확장 model)까지 데이터 수집. 소규모 data logging에서 대규모 data acquisition system까지 변경/확장용이. 
 · 쾌적한 Design
간편한 key동작을 이용한 setup과 Auto, manual, page, alarm search, bar_graph의 다양한 Display  
 · 다양한 기록 형식
Analog trend 및 tag, alarm, manual, list, digital 등의 기록방식을 제공한다. 

 · 자유로운 Data Backup
내장 F/D를 이용하여 측정 및 연산 Data 저장 ASCII 변환 
 · 작고 다양한 입출력 module
전압, 온도(열전대, 측온저항체), 접점, strain, pulse, power monitor, mA(직류전류)등 풍부한 module군을 준비 
 ·PC Friendly
data logging & viewing software로 PC base의 데이터 수집 환경을 용이하게 구축 
 · network을 이용한 Data 수집
일반 통신 cable 및 ethernet을 통하여 real time으로 Data를 수집가능 
 · 신뢰할 수 있는 환경 적응성
고내압 반도체 relay, planar transformer등 요꼬가와 고유의 technology로 환경 적응성 신뢰성 을 실현. 
 · 각종 국제적 안전 규격 취득


DR230 은 모든 산업의 연구 개발용 tool로서 소규모 데이터로깅에서 다채널 데이터 수집까지,
뛰어난 기능 확장성과 설계 자유성을 실현한 Hybrid Recorder입니다.

DR240 은 높은 신뢰성을 자랑하는 자사 개발 고내압 반도체 릴레이를 탑재하여 환경 대응성이 뛰어나며
프로세스 모니터에 최적인 판넬마운트타입의 공업용 기록계입니다.  뛰어난 환경 대응성과 신뢰성을 제공합니다. 





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